B-I Services

Market Study

Wide coverage in France, enabling rapid collection and detailed analysis of relevant information.

Use of Business Implicit Methodologies.

Partner Search

Detailed knowledge of a large number of local companies and experts, their services and knowledge in the field of activity you want.


Extensive coverage in France, Europe and the United States. A database of International candidates to join your French team.

Intercultural coaching and advice to facilitate a smooth selection of candidates.

Study Programs for Engineers

Short Term Study Programs for International Students.

Top Engineering French Schools.

Theory as well as Company Visits.

Translation and adaptation of documents

Bilingual knowledge of the French and English language as well as the French and Indian business environment.

All kinds of translation: response to tender, work contracts, technical documents, company presentation.

Adjustment of specific content to the French market, specificity based on strong intercultural skills, especially in communication and marketing.

Merger & Acquisition Services

Target search. Helping the acquiring company find the right strategic target.

Financial, legal and organisational Audits. Conducting third party due diligence.

Financing of the acquisition. This may include financial advice, fundraising and /or establishing a leverage operation.

Purchase of the company.